▼Nal | |
CListener | |
CSound | A loaded sound. Can be played via Source. Many Source:s can play the same Sound at the same |
CSoundMngr | You should have only one of these |
CSource | A sound source. Has position, and a sound to play |
CVec3f | |
▼Nemilib | |
▼Ncr | |
CCoroutine | This acts like a coroutine, but is implemented as a separate thread |
CCoroutineSet | Helper for handling several coroutines |
CInnerControl | |
▼Nmagica_voxel | |
CModel | |
CVoxel | |
▼Nsdl | |
CInitResult | |
CParams | |
▼CCStrRange | |
Citerator | |
CDelayedDirWatcher | Acts like DirWatcher but with a delay of a few frames to let things 'settle' |
CDirWatcher | Watches for any changes in a directory (file changed, added, removed) |
CDual | |
CFastReadWriteMutex | |
CHashCache | |
CHashCacheHasher | |
▼CHashMap | A cache-friendly hash table with open addressing, linear probing and power-of-two capacity |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CHashMapEqualTo | Like std::equal_to but no need to #include <functional> |
▼CHashSet | A cache-friendly hash set with open addressing, linear probing and power-of-two capacity |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CHashSetEqualTo | Like std::equal_to but no need to #include <functional> |
▼CHashSetRH | |
Cconst_iterator | |
Citerator | |
CHashSetRHEqualTo | |
CImGui_SDL | |
CInt_ | |
▼CIteratorRange | |
Citerator | |
CListMap | Linear lookup map for quick lookups among few values |
CListMapEqualTo | Like std::equal_to but no need to #include <functional> |
CListSet | Linear lookup set for quick lookups among few values |
CListSetEqualTo | Like std::equal_to but no need to #include <functional> |
CMemMap | Memory-mapped file. Really fast way of reading stuff from disk |
▼CMovementTracker | |
CTimePosPair | |
CMusic | Stream .mp3 files on iOS and OSX |
▼CRange | |
Citerator | |
CReadLock | This is a drop-in replacement for C++14's std::shared_lock |
CRotationTracker | Made to take into account the cyclic nature of angles (in radians, btw) |
CScopeGuard | |
CShaderMngr | |
CSlowReadWriteMutex | |
CStringInterner | |
CTextureMngr | |
CThreadPool | |
CTimer | Simple wall-time monotonic clock |
CTupleArrayRef | |
CTupleArrayRef< 0 > | |
CWav | |
CWriteLock | This is a drop-in replacement for C++11's std::unique_lock |
▼Nfs | |
CFILEWrapper | |
▼Ngl | OpenGL wrapper classes |
▼CFBO | An off-screen buffer you can draw onto |
CLock | Bind/unbind FBO: |
CParams | |
CMeshPainter | |
CPaintGrouper | |
▼CProgram | |
CAttribute | |
CUniform | |
CProgramSource | |
CRectangle | |
CSize | |
CTempViewPort | Will set a viewport and restore the old viewport on death |
CTexParams | |
CTexture | |
CTriangleStrip | |
CVAO | |
CVBO | |
CVertComp | |
CVertexFormat | |
▼Nstd | |
Chash< emilib::HashCache< T > > | |
Chash< std::tuple< TT... > > | |
▼Ntext_paint | |
▼CAttributeString | Multiline text where ranges can be colored differently |
CColorRange | |
CFontRange | |
CRGBAf | |
CTextInfo | |
CVec2 |