Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CSoundA loaded sound. Can be played via Source. Many Source:s can play the same Sound at the same
 CSoundMngrYou should have only one of these
 CSourceA sound source. Has position, and a sound to play
 CCoroutineThis acts like a coroutine, but is implemented as a separate thread
 CCoroutineSetHelper for handling several coroutines
 CDelayedDirWatcherActs like DirWatcher but with a delay of a few frames to let things 'settle'
 CDirWatcherWatches for any changes in a directory (file changed, added, removed)
 CHashMapA cache-friendly hash table with open addressing, linear probing and power-of-two capacity
 CHashMapEqualToLike std::equal_to but no need to #include <functional>
 CHashSetA cache-friendly hash set with open addressing, linear probing and power-of-two capacity
 CHashSetEqualToLike std::equal_to but no need to #include <functional>
 CListMapLinear lookup map for quick lookups among few values
 CListMapEqualToLike std::equal_to but no need to #include <functional>
 CListSetLinear lookup set for quick lookups among few values
 CListSetEqualToLike std::equal_to but no need to #include <functional>
 CMemMapMemory-mapped file. Really fast way of reading stuff from disk
 CMusicStream .mp3 files on iOS and OSX
 CReadLockThis is a drop-in replacement for C++14's std::shared_lock
 CRotationTrackerMade to take into account the cyclic nature of angles (in radians, btw)
 CTimerSimple wall-time monotonic clock
 CTupleArrayRef< 0 >
 CWriteLockThis is a drop-in replacement for C++11's std::unique_lock
 NglOpenGL wrapper classes
 CFBOAn off-screen buffer you can draw onto
 CLockBind/unbind FBO:
 CTempViewPortWill set a viewport and restore the old viewport on death
 Chash< emilib::HashCache< T > >
 Chash< std::tuple< TT... > >
 CAttributeStringMultiline text where ranges can be colored differently