Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
▼ emilib | |
al_lib.hpp | |
al_lib_fwd.hpp | |
coroutine.hpp | |
dir_watcher.hpp | |
dual.hpp | |
file_system.hpp | |
gl_lib.hpp | |
gl_lib_fwd.hpp | |
gl_lib_opengl.hpp | |
gl_lib_sdl.hpp | |
hash_cache.hpp | |
hash_map.hpp | |
hash_set.hpp | |
hash_set_robin_hood.hpp | |
imgui_gl_lib.hpp | |
imgui_helpers.hpp | |
imgui_sdl.hpp | |
irange.hpp | |
list_map.hpp | |
list_set.hpp | |
magica_voxel.hpp | |
marching_squares.hpp | |
mem_map.hpp | |
movement_tracker.hpp | |
music.hpp | |
os.hpp | |
pvr.hpp | |
read_write_mutex.hpp | |
scope_exit.hpp | |
shader_mngr.hpp | |
string_interning.hpp | |
strprintf.hpp | |
text_paint.hpp | |
texture_mngr.hpp | |
tga.hpp | |
thread_pool.hpp | |
timer.hpp | |
tuple_util.hpp | |
utf8.hpp | |
wav.hpp | |
word_wrap.hpp | |